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Rob Baskind
ADHD psychiatrist,
Positive Psychology and
Practitioner and Coach


Hi, I'm Rob


I am a consultant psychiatrist offering ADHD assessment and medication treatment and I am also a positive psychology practitioner providing coaching and workshops to individuals and groups (with and without ADHD).


 I have a wealth of experience working in mental health services and created a specialism in Adult ADHD. I worked as a doctor in the NHS for over 20 years, and as a consultant psychiatrist since 2008. I also worked in community and acute day hospitals and was the prison psychiatrist for two large male adult prisons for several years. In 2011, I developed and launched the first Leeds NHS Adult ADHD service, which I was clinical lead until 2022. During this time, I led a successful service and  gained a reputation for my expertise and clinical skills, but also for my passion and commitment to raising awareness of ADHD across social media and in local and national newspaper and magazine publications. I have provided regular ADHD training across healthcare settings and also other areas including the criminal justice system.  


Over recent years, I have become increasingly persuaded of the influence of mindfulness and connecting to the present moment. Through a combination of my own personal journey and increasing the breath of my teaching and learning, I have become increasingly aligned with focusing my interventions to help individuals flourish and reach optimum mental health, rather then the traditional and restrictive 'sickness' model so many have been used to within the medical model. 


If you wish to contact me to make an appointment please initially complete this enquiry form.

Please click here to see a copy of my shared care agreement. 

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